I just got back from Playa Del Carmen for my company’s President’s Club Trip, it was an incredible week. During the trip, I realized how blessed and grateful I am to work with such a great team. The resort was amazing, the food was great, and the nightlife entertainment was awesome to experience with this year’s winners.
It is a trip that I will always remember, especially because last year my business partner and I tried a new incentive program. Instead of doing an annual trip somewhere warm, like we did 6 out of the last 7 years, we tried a quarterly incentive where we scheduled 4 fun events. We didn’t do the trip last year because my partner and I wondered if President’s Club trips were still worth it today. Like youth sports these days, it seems like everyone gets a medal. With that, society has taken away the competitiveness and drive for those elite performers that want to work really hard and earn something of significance, whether it’s a trophy or an all-expenses-paid company trip for a year of top performance.
At Versique and Parqa, all producers are eligible to qualify for President’s Club. Additionally, we have 2 wild cards for those that best exemplify our core values throughout the year. After reflecting on this year’s trip, I am more convinced than ever that businesses should have a President’s Club.
Here are 3 reasons why businesses should have a President’s Club.
1. Rewarding Your Best Employees for an Awesome Year
Many companies like ours have an “Employee of the Month” award, but for someone to sustain a level of excellence for an entire year requires passion, hard work, drive, and determination. These are the same things I tell my daughters and the girls that I coach. While these don’t necessarily take specific skill, it gives everyone an opportunity to achieve something great. This week, my 6th-grade daughter plays in the state basketball tournament and she said to me yesterday that she really wants to win state. She has won 7 of the 10 tournaments they have played in, and every practice has led up to this week and she wants to win. If she doesn’t, it will still be a great season.
Similar to those that had a good year but didn’t qualify for the trip, we had some great success stories, but this is the elite that get to go on a trip for driving that performance month in and month out and should be rewarded for an awesome year.
2. Spouses/+1’s Love it
One of my best friends and I were talking a month ago after he got back from his company’s President’s Club. He was just coming off his best year ever and told me he and his wife really needed it and it was awesome in so many ways. Our conversation got me thinking, to make President’s Club isn’t easy. At times, it takes away from kids, family, sports, etc.
This trip is a great way to say thank you to those that support you for supporting our organization. The other shocking thing I heard on our trip from a lot of the +1’s, is how much throughout the year it gets talked about.
3. Culture Builder
Your employees become closer with each other and their managers. During these trips, I have developed deeper relationships with everyone and that is sometimes hard to get throughout the year in our busy world.
As a headhunter for the last 23 years, rarely do people ever leave jobs just for more money, they want to work for a company that cares and is vested in their success. For me, it is hard to put the spotlight on our company or myself, so when we started this company in 2013, my vision was to build the culture from the inside out. These trips are a time where I reflect and can look back with excitement on what we achieved in 2019. As owners, our roles are not to just aspire to make a great living but to aspire to make a difference.
President’s Club Trips Still Matter.