It seems like there’s a perception that because there have been so many layoffs in tech, companies aren’t using Search Firms. However, that doesn’t mean companies are choosing to stay away from search firms altogether.
Why are our clients using Versique?
Wes Lieser, VP of Demand Generation & Marketing Technology, addresses why our clients are still leveraging our recruiting expertise:
1. Ensure that they’re getting the most talented candidates out in the market vs. the top candidates who apply for the role.
2. Capacity and speed – It takes companies a long time and energy to sift through a hundred resumes, phone screen 20 candidates, interview the best 5, etc. Our recruiters spend all day networking with great candidates, so we’ve already done most of the heavy lifting on the front end.
The market has definitely changed in the past year, but we’re realizing that most (if not all) of our current clients are truly looking at us as a talent partner, vs just a vendor to send them resumes.