Minneapolis-based executive search and consulting firm, Versique has launched a new podcast directed at hiring challenges faced by executive leaders. The podcast, titled “Inside Executive Search” focuses on three pillars; attracting, selecting, and retaining top talent.
Versique’s executive vice president, Steve Yakesh, and senior practice director, Scott Peterson host the podcast, sharing their experiences and expertise as executive search industry veterans. They share insights and discuss techniques aimed at executive leaders in any industry who are interested in improving their company’s hiring practices.
“Our main focus with the podcast is making hiring leaders’ lives easier,” says Yakesh, “Versique is an industry leader, and we’ve been in the industry for a long time. We’ve seen firsthand the methods that work and those that do not. This is our chance to pass on the lessons we’ve learned.”
The podcast is a part of Versique’s focus on acting as a resource to executive leaders and hiring managers from any industry. Providing this information allows leaders to make better hiring decisions, saving their organizations time and money, and building the best team possible.
For those interested in the learning more about the latest techniques for successful talent acquisition, the “Inside Executive Search” releases episodes weekly, and can be found on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and at Buzzsprout.
Versique is one of the largest recruiting firms in the Midwest and specializes in direct hire, interim solutions and executive leadership search. With a valuable blend of functional, industry and recruiting experience, our award-winning team of headhunters has a proven track record of delivering exceptional talent acquisition solutions. The Versique brand represents a powerful combination of “versatile” and “unique” as it hints at the concept of “search” in its pronunciation: ver-seek.
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