You nailed your final interview and accepted the offer. Congratulations! You’re excited, and then it hits you… there’s only one thing still standing in the way of your new gig: your old one.
Here are 5 tips to help you professionally resign from your job:
1) Be prepared
You’re likely not the first person to leave the company, and you certainly won’t be the last. Nevertheless, quitting your job isn’t an easy process but a delicate one that you’ll need to put some serious thought into. Think through how you will explain your departure. Whatever your reason may be, keep your story positive, consistent, and all about you. For example, explain that you’re not running away, you’re running towards the next opportunity for your career. Don’t be afraid to rehearse the conversation until you feel comfortable and anticipate any questions you may get ahead of time. In addition, prepare a response in the event that your boss counteroffers your resignation with a promotion or perk.
2) Tell your boss in person
Once you’ve officially signed a contract with your new employer, it’s time to organize an in-person meeting with your boss. This must be a face-to-face conversation, regardless of your boss’s jam-packed schedule. It is rarely appropriate to end a professional relationship via email.
Avoid telling your colleagues the news until you’ve spoken to your boss. Word travels fast and if your boss hears the news through the grapevine prior to your announcement, it may tarnish your relationship and reputation moving forward.
3) Keep it positive, professional, and constructive
You’ve built relationships with your boss and colleagues, and they’ve invested time and effort in your development. This is a time to be complimentary and express gratitude, not a time to air any grievances or place blame. Resigning from your job is an exercise in humility. You should act appreciative, even if you’re not.
4) Give ample notice
In most cases, giving a minimum two weeks’ notice is standard. Make sure you propose an end date to your boss that meets both of your needs. If you’re able, it’s a nice gesture to offer additional time to help ease the transition. On the other hand, there are some employers who may ask you to leave immediately following your resignation announcement. It’s important to be aware of your company policies and prepare to leave sooner than expected.
5) Finish strong
It’s easy to check out after giving your resignation notice, but it’s extremely important to remain a motivated and productive team player until your last day. Don’t leave your team with the burden of your unfinished tasks and projects. This behavior will be noticed by your colleagues and may affect your professional reputation moving forward. It’s imperative to your career that you leave on a high note. Nothing shows appreciation and accountability like a job well done.
If you are looking to explore new marketing/demand generation opportunities or grow your team, please reach out to me. I’d love to help or get you in touch with the correct expert at Versique Search & Consulting to accomplish your goals.