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How to Land Your Next Job

Are you currently job searching, and have not found the ideal fit, or are you just getting started? No matter where you’re at in the process, it’s important to follow a few key steps to stand out as a top-tier candidate. Check off the tasks as you complete them and you’ll be well on your way to landing your next career opportunity!

1. Update your resume.
It is important to make sure that your resume is updated with all of your current information and that it reflects your latest work. If you’ve changed addresses or phone numbers make sure that change is reflected in your resume!

2. Include keywords from the job description.
Employers are looking for someone who can perform the tasks they’ve laid out in the job description. By using those keywords in your resume, you show that you are competent and skilled to take on those tasks and if they use a resume sorting service, you’re resume is more likely to end up in the hands of a human!

3. Have someone else edit and read your resume.
You’ve probably looked at your resume too many times to catch the little mistakes at this point. Ask someone, or several people, for their feedback on your resume. Whether its typos or formatting issues a fresh pair of eyes can help make all the difference.

4. Research the company and prepare 3-5 interview questions for your interviewer.
To show that you are serious about the job and company you are applying for, it’s important to get to know the company. Use annual reports, the company website, and social media. Pro-tip: set up a Google alert with the company’s name so you can be up to date on all of the latest information. Use what you’ve learned about the company to form questions to ask your interviewer at the end of the interview. Besides questions about the company, ask questions about the role and where they see it developing.

5. Practice common interview questions.
There are tons of common interview questions that you can practice. Make sure you’ve prepared your elevator speech, a few sentences that describe your background and why you’re interested in the position, along with behavioral and task-related interview questions.

6. Dress in business professional attire that reflects the company culture.
If you don’t know what employees normally wear, try spending some time at a coffee shop across the street and notice the dress style of those entering and exiting the building. Note: Even if the company culture is casual, you should still dress in a more formal manner and place an emphasis on neutral, business professional colors.

7. Arrive around 10 minutes early, take a deep breath, you’ve got this.
When you arrive, go to the bathroom and make sure you look well groomed and that your outfit is ready to go. Take a minute or two to review your company information and interview questions. Take a deep breath and step into the office 5 minutes early.

8. Stay confident and true to your personality in the interview.
It’s important to show your true personality because it will end up coming through at some point. You want an employer who fits your personality, so don’t shy away from it. Don’t rely too much on having to say what you’ve practiced word for word. Just be confident that you know your skills and that you’re the best one for the job!

9. Send a thank you note within 24 hours after the interview.
Always send a follow-up email to your interviewer within 24 hours. Highlight something you enjoyed speaking about in the interview, reiterate why you’re a great fit for the role, and thank them for their time. Many people no longer consider sending a hand-written thank you note (in addition to the prompt follow-up email), and because of that, the individuals who do tend to stand out.

Land your next job by following along with the infographic! Hard work pays off so be persistent, and confident that the right opportunity will find you!


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