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Culture Check: What Makes Your Company Tick?

Culture. It’s a buzzword. Google it and you will find definitions including civilization, traditions, way of life, and thousands of other results. It makes one wonder, if it’s so hard to define the word, how does each individual company define what it means to them and their employees?

One of the most fulfilling and fun parts of my job as an Account Executive at Versique is getting to know what makes companies tick. What are they working on, what is their mission and vision, and what is their culture like? Do they engage their employees? Do they have issues with turnover? Is the leadership team communicating and interacting with the staff? It’s all so fascinating – and so important for organizations to understand and analyze.

I have so much respect for HR professionals. They are highly organized, multi-taskers who know how to take on any unforeseen dodge balls the world throws at them – all the while keeping the organization on track! Payroll, Benefits, FMLA, you name it, they can do it. And in addition to all this (which is already pretty amazing), they are an integral part of creating a desirable office culture for valued employees and in turn, customers.

I recently attended an intimate CFO event and each speaker had a diverse background in their companies’ services, yet they all mentioned the value of Culture. Blending old and new talent, internal education, high customer retention rates, and flexible work schedules are all key components in creating a dynamic culture that engages and motivates employees. Without a defined culture, how would companies evaluate candidates’ fit into the organization, work towards organizational goals, or stay on their feet when employees inevitably transition out of the organization? Culture is the unifying factor that makes it possible for organizations to transition, evolve, and reach goals both as a company and as individual employees.

While some may view Culture as simply the next trend in business, my experiences have shown me it’s worth the investment, and the only way to do business. What’s your organizational culture like? Tell me in the comments below!

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