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AI in the Workplace: Leveraging Innovation Without Losing the Human Touch

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not a new concept but leveraging it in the workplace is something that can be a ‘get in line or fall behind’ concept. However, while AI is constantly evolving and improving, there are a few key things to know before using it in your organization.  

Is It AI or Automation?  

There is a fine line between AI and automation. AI itself is the concept that a system is learning how to respond based on someone’s behaviors or answers and leveraging that information. A system also can see an action and then automatically format a response to that action on behalf of the admin/user. Meanwhile, automation is a finely tuned system that takes a series of steps based on the activities and behaviors exhibited. An overly simplified example would be receiving an email from a store after you have left items in your cart.  

How to Use AI in The Workplace

There are many ways to use AI, however, it is learning how to use AI properly and efficiently that is more important. At Versique, and as a part of the AI committee, we evaluated our organization, what takes up the most time in our days, and how we can use AI to be more efficient and accurate. There are a couple of do’s and don’ts we have found in leveraging AI:  

The Big Do’s:

Administrative Tasks 

Find a great AI tool that can cut your administrative work in half to be able to focus more on things that you need to be hands-on for. An example would be notetaking systems for web meetings or folders being created automatically for new form submissions. AI can and will cut your workload in half if you learn how to type the correct prompts.

Writer’s Block  

Use systems like ChatGPT and Bard to help create ideas of how to respond to emails, create engaging subject lines, or content ideas for social media or blogs. Utilize these systems, do not just copy and paste. Make sure you are always using your own thoughts and words when sharing information. It is okay to harbor ideas from these systems but copying them word for word not only takes away from your originality- but sometimes accuracy as well. When you use these systems, it is particularly important how you phrase your task. Otherwise, you may receive inaccurate information. Therefore, make your input as specific as possible, so you can receive the most accurate output.  

Idea Generation  

Have you ever felt like you have tunnel vision or are deadlocked on a certain perspective? Do not be afraid to utilize AI to generate different perspectives or solutions to your problem. Embracing the power of AI opens up a universe of possibilities. AI offers us a tool to expand our horizons, to think beyond boundaries, and to approach problems with fresh “eyes.” So, the next time you feel stuck or hemmed in by a single viewpoint, do not hesitate to leverage AI—let it guide you toward new insights and unexpected breakthroughs. 

The Big Don’ts:


When it comes to sourcing talent using AI tools, there is a valid concern about the sources and integrity of the data utilized. The lack of transparency surrounding AI algorithms can lead to biases in information, potentially excluding qualified candidates based on skewed criteria. Moreover, there is a risk of sourcing data illegally or unethically, which can pose legal and reputational risks to organizations. Beyond these challenges, relying solely on AI may inadvertently overlook exceptional talent that does not fit conventional molds or profiles. It is crucial for organizations to approach AI-powered sourcing with careful consideration, ensuring transparency in data sources and the ethical implications of their methods. 

Do Not Rely on AI  

 While AI can streamline processes and offer efficiency, it lacks the nuanced understanding and emotional intelligence that human communication thrives on. Relying solely on AI will take the human touch out of your work and may even sound robotic. Therefore, integrating AI as a tool rather than relying exclusively on it allows for a balanced approach.

Do Not Use AI Tools Without Proper Training  

Using AI tools without adequate training can lead to missed opportunities and misunderstandings. When expectations are not properly set, companies and individuals may not fully realize the tool’s potential or understand how to effectively utilize the insights it provides. Moreover, the way information is stored and managed must be clearly communicated and standardized across the organization to maintain data integrity and compliance. Training ensures that users understand the capabilities and limitations of AI tools, enabling them to make informed decisions and maximize the tool’s benefits. By establishing clear expectations and providing comprehensive training, organizations can harness AI effectively, driving innovation and efficiency while safeguarding against potential pitfalls. 


As we navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of AI in the workplace, it’s clear that this technology offers both immense potential and significant challenges. The key to successfully leveraging AI lies in striking a balance between embracing its capabilities and maintaining the irreplaceable human touch. By understanding the distinction between AI and automation, focusing on appropriate applications like administrative tasks and idea generation, and avoiding pitfalls such as over-reliance or improper use, organizations can harness the power of AI to enhance efficiency and innovation. However, it’s crucial to approach AI implementation with caution, ensuring proper training, maintaining ethical standards, and preserving the human elements that drive meaningful connections and creativity. As we move forward, the organizations that will thrive are those that view AI not as a replacement for human intelligence, but as a powerful tool to augment and elevate human potential in the workplace.