Every business leader knows you need the best employees to grow your company, but good candidates are becoming a scarce resource in the Twin Cities hiring market. Regardless of industry, finding the right technical skill set, personality, and culture match is an increasingly harder task.
As a company leader, be sure you understand the number of open requisitions you are asking your recruiters to manage at any given time. Our team often hears that recruiters are tasked with managing upwards of 30 open requisitions at a time!
Ask any corporate recruiter, “What is the maximum amount of open requisitions you can handle while still having the time to source qualified candidates and provide them with a good experience?” The answer is often a number close to 20 open requisitions.
If you find that your Talent Acquisition staff is managing more than 30 open requisitions per recruiter, I’d encourage you to think differently about how to find and hire the best candidates.
- Audit the open requisitions and, after conversations with the hiring managers, close or cancel the least important open roles. Sometimes spending valuable sourcing time on the “nice to have” roles can derail the focus on the critical hires in the organization.
- Identify the roles that are hardest to fill based on skill set or hiring location and ask an expert for help. Specialized recruitment agencies have an incentive to fill important roles quickly. Recruiting agencies have databases filled with passive candidates who are open to hearing about good roles in their area.
- Give your recruiters some breathing room by utilizing a contract recruiter as a variable-cost, flexible resource. Use a contract recruiter to lower the open requisitions per recruiter on your team, or use a more specialized contract recruiter to work on the harder-to-fill roles that require a very specific skill set.
- Drive candidates to your open requisitions online with effective SEO practices. Make sure that your open jobs appear at the top of the first page of search results to attract candidates to apply.
So take a good look at your talent acquisition team and their workload. It might be time to consider utilizing one or more of these solutions to more effectively fill your open requisitions and keep driving your business forward.
Do you have any other creative solutions to an overloaded recruiting team? Let’s talk in the comments below.
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